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(J)oin a Conference - Function Help


  (#) or (Name)

  (#) is a valid conference number from 0 to the highest conference
      number on the system

  (Name) is the name of any existing conference


  Allows joining an active conference on the system.  The
  conference name or number to be joined can be included with the
  (J) command on the same line if desired.  If you are not
  registered in the conference requested, you will be advised of
  such and returned to the main command line prompt.

  The entering of either a "J 0" will function as if you did an
  (A)bandon command and return you to the main board message base


  J 1       - to join conference #1
  J SYSOPS  - to join the Sysops conference

See Also: (A)bandon Conference
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson